Today’s challenge, 2nd Monday of the month, is Macro.

Here is my interpretation of the theme, cactus view from top, close to my office.


17 tanggapan untuk “Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Macro”

  1. lensandpensbysally Avatar

    Nicely captured. That’s one to gaze upon and not touch. Cactus are such gems of nature. Happy Photo Challenge.

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

      Thank you Sally. Indeed. Touch or bleed 😁


  2. sustainabilitea Avatar

    Very sharp photo. 🙂 If you get close but not too close, cacti are very rewarding photo subjects.


    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

      Thx Janet!! I bet cacti is very easy to find at your place?


      1. sustainabilitea Avatar

        Not where we live, in the Chicago area, but where my parents live in Arizona, there are plenty of cacti.


      2. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

        I see. So Arizona has deserts, not like Chicago?


      3. sustainabilitea Avatar

        Chicago is in the Midwest, which is prairie, farmland, and now some trees. We get much more rain here, so it’s too wet for desert growth. Much of Arizona is desert.

        Disukai oleh 1 orang

      4. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

        I know America only California (Holywood and Malibu) and Texas (Galveston and Dallas). Working for half year there around 1999.

        Disukai oleh 1 orang

      5. sustainabilitea Avatar

        Arizona would be more like Texas.

        Disukai oleh 1 orang

  3. Angeline M Avatar

    Love the angle for your photo with the thorns in the background as well as in the foreground. This cactus means business!

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

      Thank you Angeline!!!


  4. winnymarlina Avatar

    kak kaktusnya unik sekali kayak bunga

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

      Iya bener.. Aku juga baru tahu ada yg gini


  5. januardanu Avatar

    Bang Wisnu, mau tanya dong. dapet domain “.com” bayar dari wordpress atau pake domain seperti


    1. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

      Saya dari layanan hosting pribadi yang dapat dari teman.


      1. januardanu Avatar

        Wah enak dong ya… Saya mau bikin domain .com juga, tapi harus bayarnya mahal-mahal per tahunnya


      2. wisnuwidiarta Avatar

        Iya bayar mahal juga kok per tahunnya hehehe


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